Corazon Salvaje – Türkçe Altyazılı İzle



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Juan ve Monica





























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J: How are you?

M: Fine.

J: Fray Domingo gave me my father´s letter. The day after tomorrow I´ll be Juan de Alcazar again. Will you tell Doña Prudencia you are leaving the room, or will I do? You have to come back, Monica. You are my wife.

M: I´d like you to give me more time to think abou it.

J: There is nothing to think about it.

M: I do want to think about it. I still haven´t decided if I accept you or not.

J: You accepted me last night.

M. You are very unsensitive.

J: Forgive me, I wanted to say we still love each other. There is no reason for us to be apart.

M: What about Andres?

J: I refused to accuse him for the robbery of my father´s letter to avoid harming him or his family.

M: Do you think he´ll be satisfied?

J: I don´t care he´s satisfied or not. He is no God to decide.

M: I fel afraid.

J: Forget about it. Let me take care about it. Monica, trust me. Rest in me.

M: Promise me, swear to me, whatever he does, you won´t answer to his provocation.

J: It depends on what kind of provocation, Monica.

M: It doesn´t matter, whatever it is, swear it to me.

J: You can´t ask me that. It´s unfair. Sometimes I think my mistake was I was too tolerant in the first place. I tried to be in his place to feel as he feels. Also, even I didn´t want to admit it, I was influenced because he is my brother.

M: That´s the very reason, Juan. If he doesn´t think you both share the same father, being imprudent, you are the oldest one, more conscius.

J: Ok. But there is a limit for everything. If I had taugh him a lesson in the first place we wouldn´t be in this situation. Sometimes tolerance is understood as weakness.

M: Andres can´t think about you like that. What happens is he is still a spoilt child, used to get whatever he wants just opening his hand.

J: Yes, bu he has to learn to respect the others. You and me are both human beings and we have right to live in peace. None can run over us despite having money or position.

M: Juan, just answer a question to me: let´s suppose Andres, with any excuse, challenge you to a duel again….if you die life will mean nothing to me, you know, but even if you win, could you live in peace being responsible of the death of your own brother? Be sincere, please.

J: No, but prefer to be in pain for that for my life, than losing you. Understand me, Monica. I need you, as the air. I had you in my mind all the time. I can think about other things, but you are there with me, in my mind, in my soul, and even if you wouldn´t feel the same, I´m so selfish, I´d force you, and if you were other´s, I´d steal you, I swear.

M: Don´t tell me that, please. Don´t make it more difficult.

J: I´m telling you because that´s the way I feel, because I want you to keep off your mind that stupid idea. I won´t allow it, understand it.


* * *


J: Good morning.

M: Good morning.

J: How is your arm?

M: Fine.

J: Did you go to see Fray Domingo?

M: Yes. I was talking to him about your father´s letter.

J: What did Andres come to do last night?

M: Last night?

J: Yes. Have you already forgotten?

M: No.

J: What did he come to do?

M: For a visit?

J: That late? An improperly?

M: Who told you so?

J: Your landlady.

M: It wasn´t that late and…

J: And what? Why are you so nervous, Monica?

M: Why are you harrassing me with questions?

J: I have my rights. I´m you husband!

M: Did you finish the paperwork?

J: Tomorrow. It´s just a day! There is no difference!

M: Not for you, but it means to me! Besides, I still haven´t decided if I go back.

J: What did Andres come to do?

M: To talk! What else?

J: What did you talk about?

M: About my mom.

J: I don´t believe you.

M: I don´t care if you believe me or not.

J: Pick up your things, we are leaving.

M: I don´t want to go anywhere.

J: When will you come with me?

M: Tomorrow, when the paperwork is done.

J: No, I told you now!

M: What if anything happens and they don´t give your name back to you?

J: Don´t worry! That won´t happen.

M: You can´t oblige me!

J: Let Meche take care of your clothes!

M: I won´t forgive you ever, if you force me!

J: Yo won´t stay here even for a minute! You still have to explain me why Andres came here.

M: If you want to take me out you will do by force and dragging me for all the town.

J: You know perfectly I´m capable of doing it.

M: But I can´t live with you if our marriage is not fixed!.

J: I won´t sleep at home tonight so your modesty is preserved.

J: Let´s go.

M: Don´t force me, Juan.

J: Let´s go.

M: It won´t work.

J: I don´t care. It´s time for you to come. I´ll send someone to help Meche with your stuff and pay the lanlady.

M: I don´t owe her anything. I already payed the rent.


* * *


Ser: Good morning.

M: Good morning.

Ser: Azucena went back to her room and the bedroom is ready.

J: Tell Joaquin to go to help Meche with madam´s belongings.

J: If you don´t like something you can change it.

M: What for? You like how Mariana arranged the house, don´t you?

J: Do you want to see your bedroom?

M: It´s not my bedroom.

J: The one your , but if you want to use your sister´s..

M: No.


* * *


J: We´ll have lunch in a while.

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M: I think the fever is down

J: Yes. She feels more fresh.

M: I wish, My God.

T: Don Noel just arrived. He tells he needs to talk to you now.

J: I´ll go. Are you staying?

M: No Juan.

J: Let me see what Don Noel wants and I´ll take you home.

M: There is no need. I´ll go with Meche

J: I´ll take you both.

DN: Monica, I didn´t know you were here.

M: I knew about what happened to Azucena. She feels better now. She woke up, and we even talked.

J: If you want, Don Noel and me will take you home.

M: Ok.


* * *


J: Shh, don´t say a word, please.


* * *


M: You shouldn´t have done this to me. You took advantage from me.

J: You left me no choice. I only wanted you realise you still love me, as I do.

M: But I told you I didn´t want to come back.

J: You are not back, yet.

M: You know what I´m talking about.

J: Why don´t you leave all in my hands?

M: But our happiness is not in your hands. Everything is against us: my mom, Andres. There would be no peace for us, only the moments shared in bed. But it´s not just about that. It would be foolish to say Idon´t love you. Of course I do.

J: Then? Don´t worry about Andres. Let me fix it.

M: How are you going to fix it? By killing him?

J: Monica, for God sake! It´s unfair to have to hide our love and live apart because of such an asshole!

M: What are you going to do to avoid it? Tell me, talk to him? He won´t listen to you. Challenge him to a duel? If you kill him, you´ll go to jail, and if you die…

J: It would be over.

M: For you. What about me? I always understood why you wanted to move me away, but the way you did it was offensive and unjustifiable. I felt very hurt. I wanted to put barriers to forget you, I blamed myself for Aimeé´s death, I wanted to use as an excuse she made me promise in her deathbed I would never go back to you, I even tried to hate yo when they told me you were interested in Mariana. And then you come in the night, come into my bed, love me and you destroy all my defenses. Understand me, Juan. I don´t want anything happen to you. I prefer you being far away but alive.

J: That won´t help. I tried, too, but it was a torture worse than death. I love you, Monica. I never betrayed you, even thinking. There is and there will be none like you for me. That´s the one thing I can tell you and I won´t give up on you. I don´t want to.

Translated by doike on youtube

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M: Who´s it?

J: Juan

DC: Now I understand why you wanted to live alone, to roll over with that bandi as if you were a….

J: I can´t allow you to talk like this, madam.

M: Juan, please, I beg you to go.

J: No, I won´t leave. You have no right to offend my wife like this.

DC: My daughter is no longer your wife.

M: Stop!

J: You´re right. Enough of so many intrigues. You are still my wife because there is a letter of F de Alcazar recognizing me as his son.

M: What do you mean?

J: Before his death, my father wrote to DN to do the paperwork to acknowledege me as his son.

DC: That´s a lie!

J: It´s no lie! That letter exists.

M: Where is it?

J: We still don´t know. DC: It´s a lie.

J: No lie!

M: Did you read it?

J: I didn´t, but Don Noel did so.

DC: Don Noel will do anything to help you.

J: And so you will, to hurt me.

M: Enough! You are at my home and I won´t allow both of you keep on insulting each other!

DC: Don´t you realise it´s a trick, M? Even if it´s true, my daughter already ask for her marriage being declared null.

J: That petition can be undone!

DC: Why should she do so? You threw her away, ashaming her in front of all the town!

J: I only wanted to keep her away for a while, but you forced me to do it forever!

M: Did you do so, mom?

DC: He is a lier!

J: I don´t lie! I admit it was a mistake to keep you away, and so I ask for forgiveness.

DC: How conveniente, isn´t it? Do you think you can make jokes of my daughter, you can do with her as you want to? Pariah, bastard!

M: mom, it´s enough! I beg you both to leave!

DS: Do you dare throw me away?

M: No, but I´m ashamed you are insulting him like that.

J: Monica, this is a very important affair. The letter makes null what Doña Sofia and Andres did, and our marriage´s null. Thefore, you are still my wife.

M: How did that letter appear now?

J: Bautista took it from and Dona Sofia and they want to destroy it.

DC: Do you realise how skilful he is? Do you really think Andres would be capable of such a thing?

J: Andres and his mother are a pair of swines and you both know that really well. As soon as I get that letter you´ll come back with me, willingly or not. Good afternoon.


* * *


S: Señora Monica just arrived.

J: Is that so?

S: She came to see Azucena.

Me: Good night, senor.

M: Meche told me what happened to Azucena and I came to visit her.

J: She has a lot of fever.

M: We brought some remedies

J: Thanks

M: Please, Me, go to the kitchen to get them ready. Also, I´d like to know whether is true what you told us about my uncle Francisco´s letter.

J: You think the same your mothe does, that I´m a liar.

M: My cousin Dolores told me she heard about a letter Andres took away from Bautista.

J: He didn´t take it from Bautista, but from me.

M: Then, has he got the letter?

J: No, he just took the empty envelope.

M: And do you know where is the letter?

J: Fray Domingo has it. Now, I want to ask you something: are you coming back to me, or not? Why don´t you answer me?

M: It´s not easy to answer. If you recover you name with letter, I guess everything wiuld be te same again, I mean, we still would be spouses. I had decided not to go back with you.

J: Is it that difficult to forgive me?

M: It´s not just about that, but about many other things.

J: Why don´t you tell me about them?

M: You wouldn´t understand.

J: Why?

M: Because they are my problems, and you wouldn´t consider them important.

J: Everything yours matters to me.

M: Respect my will, then, and don´t impose me something I don´t wish.

J: I don´t want to impose anything to you, but convince.

M: Let´s say I don´t want to be convinced.

J: Why so much stupidity?

M: Not mine, but yours. According to your words, you threw me away to avoid me suffering, you told me you didnñt want to share your problems with me, so why are you insisting now to come back? What has changed?

J: I don´t have any trouble with justice anymore.

M: What about your quarrel with Andres?

J: No.

M: Then what?

J: I need you, I can´t live without you.

M: You did when you bought my mom´s house.

J: Monica, please.

M: Ya!

J: Forgive me, I know it was my fault Bautista hurt you. Maybe that´s your fear, but I promise you…

M: I Don´t believe in your promises!

J: I know I failed

M: Please, I don´t blame you. It´s beyond your will and strength. We can´t be togheter. I don´t wish your misfortune, or mine, or Andres´.

J: Andres will have to resign himself, like it or not.

M: He won´t do such a thing and you know it. I don´t want in my conscience your downfall.

J: You have nothing to do with it.

M: But you are using me as an excuse.

J: I don´t.

M: Ok, not you but he is doing so.

J: Do we have to give up our happiness just because Andres doesn´t want it? I don´t want to please him.

M: But I do.

J: Do you want to do as he wants than as I want? I´m your husband.

M: You are not my husband at this moment. It´s not abot conceding one or the other.What about what I want, my will, my wishes? I´m fed up of problems and anxiety. I want to leave in peace. Don´t you understand? That´s why I came, not only to see Azucena, but to pray you if you recover yor name, don´t make me come back to you.

J: No! I can give you whatever you want, except that, never. Not for pride, or to spoil Andres, but because you are the woman I love most in the world. You are mine, Monica. We both belong to each other, and even 100 Andres won´t make me give up on you.

M: But may be I can. If you force me you´ll make me very unhappy.

J: That´s not true. There will be trouble, of course, but the happy moments will compensate everything else. Let me prove to you.

M: No.

J: It´s been so long… I´m desperate… Stay here, don´t go.

M: I don´t want to.

J: Yes, you do.

M: Don´t do this to me. You´re cruel.

Me: Everything is ready.

M: That´s good.

J: I put Azucena in your room, I mean, in your old room. It was the coldest one.

M: Let´s go.

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J: That must be her.

M: Good morning Don Noel. How have you been?

DN: Fine, thanks.

M. It´s good to see you. Come in. How is your arm?

M: Better.

DN: Sit down.

M: Thanks.

DN: You too, Juan.

J: Thanks for your help with Marcelo.

M: You´re wellcome.

DN: Here are the scriptures so Juan gives you the house.

M: Where do I sign?

DN: Here… Well, the hoouse is yours, Monica. I´ll let you know as soon as the paperwork is finished.

M: Thanks Juan. You´ve been very generous.

J: Are you going now?

M: Yes.

J: We have to talk.

M: I don´t understand why.

J: Please.

M: Ok.


* * *


DN: I´ll go to the City. It was a pleasure to see you, Monica.

M: Yes, so it was for me, Don Noel.

J: Meche, wait in the kitchen.

M: I prefer her to stay.

J: Ok.

M: What do you want to tell me?

J: Does the wound hurt you?

M: Almost nothing.

J: I feel really sorry for what happened. I know it was my fault. What are you going to do with the house? Are you going to sell it?

M: No. I wish I could find a buyer soon, but it won´t be easy. None appeared last time.

J: Marcelo told me he´ll leave the house in a month. You can ask for him the rent. It´s yours.

M: Thanks.

J: Monica, come back with me.

M: Not anymore.

J: You know perfectly why I acted like that.

M: I do, but I don´t want to go back to you any more.

J: Why do you resist? I know you still love me.

M: Don´t be so pretentious!

J: Meche, go to the kitchen.

M: No.

M: You are an authoritarian, bossy and you have no right.

M; There is no more “us” Don´t you understand?

J: Are you marryin Andres?

M: No.

J: Why?

M: Ok. I´ll explain it. I know perfectly it´s not your fault but there´s been no peace in my life since I met you, due to several circumstances, and time has come I want to live in calm.

J: I understand you, and you´re right, but I promise you…

M: Please,don´t make promises you can´t fill. I dont doubt you have the best intentions, but that won´t be possible.

J: If ýou are telling this because of Andres

M: I´m teling because of both of you. I don´t want to be the excuse so both of you keep bothering each other.

J: We can leave far away.

M: I proposed it to you, once. You told me distance would mean nothing to Andres for harrassing us.

J: Is that why you don´t want to come back with me? Because you fear he will keep on provoking me?

M: You provoke him too, staring that day in the market, and coming into his house inn that way.

J: Because I need to talk to you and ask for your forgiveness, and tell you I love you more than my life. Monica, I love you.

M: Stop. Why can´t you accept?

J: Because it´s unfair to sacrifice us because of an stupid revenge. I´m fed up of Andres an all is family.

M: I´m fed up too, but of both of you. You threw me away from your side so I didn´t suffer, and now I´m resigned myself you insist and torment me. Don´t dare you! Plese, at least for once in your life be a gentleman!

J: I never was, and so you loved me.

M: Yes, I loved you, but not anymore.

J: I don´t believe you, you´re trembling.

M: Arrogant, unpleasant.

J: I´m desperate, Monica. I want you with me.

M: Someone is knocking at the door.

J: Let them. I know I made a mistake. I´m willing to do anything so you forgive me.

Mariana: Is anyone at home?

Mariana: Good morning.

J: If you came looking for your father, he isn´t here.

M: How are you, Mariana?

Ma: Señora. I didn´t know you were here.

M: You see me, but I´m leaving now.

Ma: What happened to your arm?

M: Nothing serious. Pleased to see you. Bye, Juan.

J: I´ll accompany you.

M: Better no. If people see us togheter they may imagine wrong. Beg your pardon.

J: Monica.


* * *


Pru: Can I come in?

M: Come in, Doña Prudencia.

Pru: There is a visit for you. Beg your pardon.

J: Good morning. I came to see if you needed anything.

M: Nothing, thanks.

J: I saw Meche. I´m glad you have company. Did you mom get very angry?

M: A bit.

J: It´s a tiny space.

M: It´s enough for me. Besides, I´ll leave as soon as the house is sold.

J: To the capital, again?

M: I don´t know. Now if you excuse I have to get ready to go out.

J: How are you?

M: Better.

J: Why do you do all of this? Why do you live with to little?

M: I don´t need any more things. And I live to live alone.

J: Really? If something that allowed me to recover my father´s name, would you come back to me?

M: Why do you say that?

J: I just want to know.

M: There is no reason for talking about waht won´t happen.

J: But let´s suppose a miracle happens. Would you come back to me?

M: Would you force me?

J: I love you so much I might do so.

M: I feel sorry I can´t stay with you any more, but I have things to do.

J: Can I come back in the afternoon. M: I won´t be here.

J: It´s ok, Monica. Beg your pardon.

M: I´m such a fool, my God, a fool!

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J: I´m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.

M: This is not the proper place or time.

J: You gave me no choice.

M: You´d better go.

J: No.

M: We can´t talk here.

J: Let´s go outside

M: So Andres or any other will see you? I´ll scream if you don´t go.

J: Do it.

M: You always have to make your will. You don´t respect anything or anyone.

J: I couldn´t do the things in other way. I won´t go if we don´t talk.

M: Ok. Wait for me outside

J: No.

M: I need to put on some clothes.

J: Do you fear I´ll see you?

M: Give my robe.


* * *


M: What do you want to talk about?

J: Not here. Let´s go to the office.

M: No. It won´t be done as you want.

J: I´m saying because servants may appear and disturb us.

M: Everyone is sleeping at this time. And I don´t think what you have to say will last till dawn.

J: you don´t want anything to do with me, do you?

M: Sure I don´t. After you threw me away, bought my mother´s house, said her I was a nuisance, and you did nothing to save our marriage, I´d be a fool.

J: I know I hurt you. I made a mistake, I repent.

M: You are late.

J: Am I? Monica? Are you serious?

M: What did you think? You humiliated me in front of everyone! You even insult me trying to give me your house. I won´t accept it, because you are no one for me.

J: It was an excuse, I´ll admit it. I wanted to make you look for me, even to insult me. I love you, Monica. You are my whole life.

M: No.

J: Why? Why do you resist? You wish for it too.

M: I can´t.

J: That´s a lie. I just felt it. You still love me the same, or even more. You have to come back to me, now.

M: No. Do you think I can forget everything just with your touch?

J: Of course you can´t, but can explain.

M: Can you? Are you going to explain to me what is going on between you and Mariana?

J: Mariana?

M: You got afraid, didn´t you?

J: There is absolutely nothing between Mariana and me.

M: Don´t lie to me. She told me herself.

J: What?

M: That you are in love.

J: It´s not true. She has a crush on me, but I don´t.

M: Why should I believe you?

J: Because I´m telling the truth. I´ll prove it to you anytime in front of her, in front of Don Noel. I was told you are engaged to Andres, too.

M: Who?

J: Your mom told to DN. I had my doubts, but not any more.

    M: Why not? Do you think I´m surrendered to you? That you are the last man on earth?

    J: I thought I was for you.

    M: That´s why you took advantage, humiliating me, offending me… I´d forgive you anyway. Do you know how much I suffered? How desperate I felt? You even made me believe a boat was more important to you than me. Remember how you humiliated me in front of el Tuerto when I went looking for you. You were harsh, cruel, you threw me away as if I were a begger asking for your love.

    J: I was more hurt than you, Monica. I didn´t want you to suffer seeing me in prison.

    M: you didn´t want me to suffer, do you think I enjoyed all of these months?

    J: Forgive me, I beg you, forgive me. I was really bad at that moment, I felt depressed. You told me you didn´t want to see me in prison.

    M: But looked for you later to tell you it didn´t matter any more, I was willing to endure anything, you didn´t even give any chance.

    J: Because I thought it was better so.

    M: When I went to Campo Real to beg Andres to return your boat and mom told me we had to leave because she had sold the house I wanted to go back to San Pedro even walking to be with you. And Aimee´s happened. It was my fault. I wished for her death.

    J: Don´t say that. It´s not true.

    An: Is anyone out there?

    M: Please, go, I pray you.

    An: Monica, what are you doing? I heard voices. What´s the matter?

    M: Nothing. I came here because….

    An: Is there anyone else?

    An: What are you doing here?

    J: I came to talk to Monica.

    An: Did you open the door?

    M: Yes.

    J: No. I came in through a window.

    An: How dare you to come into my house?

    J: I had to talk to her.

    M: Please, it was my fault.

    An: Poor devil, troublemaker.

    J: Enough! You are all of those words, even more!

    An: How dare you offending me in my own house!

    M: Andres, please, stop, Juan, please!

    J: Monica, are you hurt?

    An: Go away! Unless you want me to kill you.

    J: We have to cure her! You, go for a doctor!

    An: I told you to get out!

    J: She needs attention!

    Al: What happened! I heard a shot!

    (All): What happened?

    DS: Did anything happen to you, son?

    J: Bring clean water, and sheets.

    An: Go out or I´ll kill you as the wretch you are!

    M: Juan, go! For God´s sake, go!

    DC: What happened? Why did he come? Monica, my dear, what happened?

    Al: Who shot?

    An: Bautista.

    DS: My life. What happened to you?

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    T: Juan! Juan!

    M: Andres sold your boat.

    J: I know. It was your fault.

    M: Yes, it was my fault. I even went to visit him. I begged, implored but he didn´t want to give it back.

    J: You shouldn´t have given him the papers.

    M: Please, forgive me.

    J: Go back to your mom´s house.

    M: No, I want us to talk.

    J: There is nothing to talk, Monica.

    M: Yes. I realise my complaints worry you, my reproaches. I know perfectly you couldn´t have avoided what happened and I promise you I´ll never say anything

    J: It is no use to talk about it… I made my decision already.

    M: You once told me to not keep quiet! To say what I thought and to try to convince you.

    J: I don’t want to be convinced!

    M: You are angry, right?

    J: Of course I am angry. You made a mistake from the start… you should never have given those documents to Andrés.

    M: I already told you why I did it! Because I thought the story of your death was a lie! I wanted to force you to show up/return. Please forgive me!

    J: I am never going to forgive you.

    M: Are you saying your boat is more important than me?

    J: Take her back to her home.


    * * *


    Months later


    * * *


    J: Good morning. How have you been?

    M: Fine.

    An: Bueno, let´s go.

    J: I´d like to talk to you.

    An: She doesn´t want to.

    J: Let her answer that.

    M: Andres is right. We have nothing to talk about.

    Juan y Monica-22



    M: Will he go back to jail? Why?

    RV: The law says so. He will have to give himself up to get his freedom. Some arrangements will be made and he will be free, as long as it´s proved he is innocent.

    M: How long will he be in jail?

    RV: For the previous cause, just a pair of days, but I don´t think he will be free after that.

    M: Why?

    RV: He will be accused of Espindola´s murder.

    M: How long will that take?

    RV: I don´t know. Week,s maybe months. It´s not a simple case and I think you should be prevented. He may even found guilty. There are many weird things in what happened. It looks like your sister had gone to visit Cpt Espindola. He tried to take advantage of her and your husband arrived at that moment, and he shot. That´s not self-defense, as Mancera allegs.

    M: I swear things didn´t happen that way. Espindola shot Juan, and almost killed him. He was unconscious.

    RV: Then, was other man who killed the jail´s chief. Believe me Monica. Truth is always better than any lie. If you don´t want to see your husband in prison, you have to tell me what you know.

    M: No. It wasn´t him.


    * * *


    M: He is a relative of my mother

    J: I´m Juan de Alcazar.

    RV: I know.I saw you at the church.

    J: So did I. My wife didn´t tell you the truth. She wants to protect me so I don´t go back to jail, but I´m willing to face the consequences of my acts.

    RV: If it had been so you wouldn´t have left the jail, and you´d waited till your innocence had been proved.

    J: I avoided the justice rebelling to an unfair sentence.

    RV: I see Lcdo Mancera taught you well. I know the fugitive is not punished if he´s found innocent, as long as ther have been no more crimes within the escape, and this is not the case.

    J: I killed E to protect my life. He shot first and I was seriously wounded.

    RV: Your wife told me so, and you even lost. But you couldn´t have shot him.

    J: I got to do it.

    RV: Was your sister in law with him?

    J: I didn´t see her.

    RV: What was she doing in his quarters? That wasn´t the direct route from your cell to the exit.

    J: Espindola found me in the corridor. He made me go to his quarters, and shot me there, and I defended myself.

    RV: See, Mr Alcazar. That´s not the way things happened. If he wanted to kill you, he´d done it as soon as he saw you in the corridor. So, either yo went to the corridor looking for someone, or you went right to kill him. There is other stuff. I think this morning you faced Mr Alcazar in a duel, and duels are punished by our laws. Beg your pardon. Night , madam.

    M: Good night.


    * * *


    J: Why did you tell him I was unconscious after the shot? Why did you tell him I didn´t kill Espindola? We´d agreed.

    M: No, We agreed nothing. You told you´d blame for that death, but I never agreed. Didn´t you listen to Marcelo? If you weren´t defending Aimeé, what were you doing in his quarters?

    J: He wil have to believe me.

    M: What if he doesn´t? You´ll spend weeks, months, years in jail? Why did you deny Aimee was there? Why do you protect her?

    J: I don´t want to have more trouble with Andres and his family, so all of this ends. Aimee went to see Espindola trying to help me.

    M: You worry for everybody, don´t you? Tuerto, Serafin… what about me? Don´t you think about me?

    J: Yes.

    M: It doesn´t look like that. Of course I feel real sorry for your friend, and it´s ok if you have to go back to jail, but just for a short time as Marcelo said, not longer. Why are you always the one who has to pay?

    J: Because it was my fault.

    M: It´s not true. That´s the way things happened, bad luck.

    J: I´m the one with good luck.

    M: It´s no like that. You are obstinate, fool. Juan, please…

    J: Maybe we never should have been married.

    M: Why do you say that?

    J: My life was not made for share with anyone. I´m always in danger. It´s unfair to involve you in my problems.

    M: But I want to be involved.

    J: I don´t.

    M: What do you mean?

    J: It´s time for you to forget me.

    M: Forget you? Are you insane?

    J: I lost my mind when I hoped I could have a wife, children, a proper family, but people like me can´t aspire to have that.

    M: You don´t know what you´re saying. Besides, what´s all that about forgetting you? What do you want?

    J: To be apart, to stop seeing each other, and if I can´t get out of all of this, you are free to ask for a null marriage.

    M: Never. I´ll never do it.

    J: Don´t you realise if RV wants to I can spend years in prison? And if it doesn´t happen, do you think Andres will leave me in peace? He will take another excuse to challenge me again.

    M: Don´t accept the challenge.

    J: Ok, I don´t accept and what? Do you think it will be enough?

    M: Let´s move on.

    J: Where, how many times? I don´t like to escape. Is that the life you want for you and our children?

    M: With you anything.

    J: But not me anymore. Anything? I prefer to face it alone.

    M: No, juan, wait.

    J: Don´t follow me.

    M: Don´t leave, then. We have to talk.

    J: I can´t stay. Surely RV told the police I was here.

    M: We´ll see each other later, or maybe tomorrow, where you say.

    J: I don´t want to.

    M: At least let´s say goodbye in other way.

    J: No. I won´t change my mind. I love you.

    Translated by doike on youtube

    Juan y Monica-21



    M: What are you going to do?

    Az: Juan wants me to get married.

    M: To that man, Cajiga?..

    M: Juan, my liffe…

    J: I promised you.

    M: I know, but I was so afraid.

    Az: I knew he wouldn´t beat you

    J: I had luck.

    Az: Searfin?

    J: I guss he will be with Don Noel. They´ll let me know.

    Az: Well, beg your pardon.

    J: My love

    M: You look tired.

    J: Yes.

    M: You are taking too many risks coming here.

    J: Segundo is helping me distracting the policeman.

    M: Thanks for not hurting Andres.

    J: I couldn´t, but I fear he will consideer this an humiliation.

    M: Pedro told us. Nevertheless, anyhting is better than losing the life.

    J: Maybe he would have preferred so. I think he will never get over of all that happened.

    M: Are you talking about Aimeé?

    J: Yes. He blames me for all of it.

    M: You think he will go on harrassing you. What if we leave San Pedro?

    J: Do you think it would stop him? He has a lot of money. He could spend his whole life chasing us.

    M: Why? This has to end.

    J: What if it never ends? I promised you a whole, happy life. But I´m no fulfilling this promise.

    M: Its not your fault.

    J: Anyway, how much can you endure? A day will arrive when you´ll regret our marriage.

    M: No, Juan, never.


    * * *


    M: Don´t open. I´ll go. Please, hide yourself.

    Jo: Serafin is in prison.

    J: In prison?

    Jo: Señor? Here?

    J: How do you know it?

    Jo: I saw him in te morning. Mr. Marcelo (RV) put him in the servants room and he took him.

    J: To jail?

    Jo: That´what Mrs Amanda told me. She asked me to warn you. I first led mss Mariana to the court, left to Don Noel´s and as there was none, I came here.

    J: I´ll surrender, so they let him free.

    M: No, Wait till Don Noel arrives. Please, Juan. We don´t know for sure he will be free if you do so.

    J: Dammit. I should have killed him, He deceiveed me. He told me they would free Serafin after the duel.

    M: Do you think Andres turn Serafin in?

    J: Sure, who else?

    Jo: Señor. Do you want me to do anything else?

    J: Yes, go back to DN, wait for him, and bring him here. Tell him I need him, urgently,

    M: I may go t see Lcdo Romero. I can pray, beg, I don´t tink he´s as bad as Don Noel and his sister in law say.

    J: You won´t get anything.

    M: Let me try.

    J: I´m the one who has to go. Serafin is in prison because of me.

    M: Please, stay till Don Noel arrives, at least.

    J: Monica, don´t you realise if Serafin talks all of us will be compromised, even Azucena? Do you want to see her in prison? Pragnant?

    M: Well, then. Lets suppose he has already done it, and everyone is arrested. What do you fix being in prison yourself? I´m tired of angst and anxiety. I don´t want to see you in that place again. I couldn´t stand it. Please.

    J: I promised you a very different life, didn´t I? Look at what I gave you, anxiety, shame…

    M: That´s not what I meant. So many things have happened, one after other one,. We haven´t had any moment of peace. I don´t know what to do anymore.

    J: I´ve been vey selfish, just thinking about me, my needs, feeling you are mine..

    M: I am. We are both one of the other one. You know I couldn´t live without you. You are my whole life, my husband.

    J: Good husband, yours.

    M: Don´t say that!. I love you, I love you and I want to share everyhing with you, but, please, look for another solution. I couldn´t stand seeing you in prison again.

    J: You won´t. Don´t worry

    M: Thanks….


    * * *


    M: Please..Did you talk to Joaquin?

    DN: Yes. everything is fixed. Serafin is the canteen with Tuerto.

    J: Wasn´t he in jail?

    DN: They were questioning him when I arrived to the Court.

    J: Did he say anythingg?

    DN: No, nothing that can´t be repaired. Doña Sofia was the one who gave him to Romero, not Andres, surely trying to avoid the duel.

    M: I´m glad everyting is fixed.

    J: Do you want a coffee or a refreshment?

    M: I´ll bring you in a minute

    J: Have a seat.


    * * *


    Az: It´s tue. There is nobody outside.

    J: I´m leaving now, then.

    M: Why? You can stay here.

    J: It´s your mother´s house. I prefer not to be here.

    M: I´ll go for my things.

    J: No, let´s wait till everything is over.

    M: But…

    J: Please. I´ll feel better, free to do what I have to.

    M: You can do it from here.

    J: Please, don´t insist.

    M: When are you coming?

    J: I´ll let you know. See you.

    M: Yes Juan

    DN: See you soon

    J: See you.

    Juan y Monica-20



    J:  To be sincere,  I neved liked tha house.

    M:  Why? It´s nice.

    J:  It´s little,  and it´s too locked in the village.

    M:  But we fell in love there.

    J:  Didn´t you say you loved me before?

    M: Yes, but…  you know. Where would you like us to live?

    J:  In a more opened place, where you open the windows you see big places,  in front of the see. Where are Satan´s papers?

    M:  Andres got them.

    J:  Why?

    M:  I told you.  I wanted to sell it to avenge.  To force you to come back when I thought yo had left with Aimeé.  But I´ll get them back,  don´t worry.

    J:  What if the wasn´t to give them back to you?

    M:  He has no reason to refuse.  It´s your ship.

    J:  What are you thinking?

    Me:  Señora.  Lcdo Mancera arrived and he wants to talk to you.

    J:  Tell him I´ll be there in a minute.

    Me:  Yes sir.

    M:  Has anything happened?


    * * *


    J:  How are you,  DN?

    DN:  Lcdo Romero Vargas found out about Serafin and went to Campo Real.

    J:  Then?

    DN:  You can´t meet with Andres at the Hacienda,  because Marcelo will be there with some guards.

    J:  Did Doña Sofia call for him?

    DN:  As he told Amanda,  his sister in law,  it was his decision.  He wants to rescue the boy and ask Andres to give you to him.

    J:  What will happen to Serafin?

    DN:  I guess RV will bring him back here.

    J:  Do you think Andres will accept? He made up all of this to kill me.

    DN:  It´s not wise for you to go there.

    M:  Good night,  DN.  What happened?

    DN:  I think there will be no duel for the moment.

    M:  Is that so?


    * * *


    M:  Why are you so worried?  You won´t have to fight Andres,  and surely,  Serafin will be back with omero.

    J:  I don´t know.  I have the feeling something is not right.  What if that man makes Serafin tell him what he knows?

    M:  About your escape and the people whi helped you?

    J:  Yes,  and to say Tuerto was the one who shot Espindola.

    M:  I don´t think so.  Serafin  is a smart kid.

    J:  Yes,  but he´s a kid. Romero can mislead him.

    DN: I know there are soldiers outside Campo Real. That´s why he wants the duel to be here,  in San Pedro.

    J:  And Serafin?

    DN:  Bautista will bring him here at midnight.

    J:  How is the duel going to be?

    DN:  On foot,  with pistol.

    J: To death?

    DN: He wanted so,  but I oppossed,  firmly.  I´ll propose to end it at first wound.

    M:  What it it is a deadly one?

    DN:  Who are going to be your witnesses?

    J:  I thought about you and Segundo.

    DN:  I can´t.  I have the police after me,  and I can´t lead him to the duel.

    J:  Pedro then.

    DN:  Pedro and Segundo?

    J:  Yes.  Then I´ll go to PA ranch to call them.

    DN:  Tell them to go to my house and I´ll call for Andres´ witnesses to meet them there.

    J:  What about the guns?

    DN:  I don´t know,  we´ll agreed then.

    M:  Juan,  for Gods sake,  refuse.

    J:  Is Andres at his San Pedro´s house?

    DN:  Yes,  why?

    J:  Because I want to see him.

    M:  Juan , the police is everywhere.

    J:  Monica,  I´m make a last try.  Maybe I´ll find the words to convince him.

    M:  What if he doesn´t want?

    J:  If he insist,  I ask you to be strong,  brave,  and ask God a bad aim for him.

    M:  But if he fails,  you…

    J:  Why don´t you go out for a moment so the police can follow you and let me go?  Take your shawl.  Please, Monica


    * * *


    J:  If anything happens to me,  never abandon Monica.  And if she has a child of mine,  tell her to leave this place,  to go to other city so the child doesn´t know what happened to its father.

    DN:  Ok, then.  I don´t think you´ll get anything from Andres.

    J:  But I want to try.

    DN:  I´ll insist with Andres witnesses to finish the encounter at first blood.

    J:  I won´t come to sleep.

    M:  Why?

    J:  Because if the duel is unavoidable I want to be focused,  and I couldn´t do it with you.

    M:  Then, let me know what happens with Andres.  May God enlighten you.

    J:  Thanks

    M:  Promise,  swear me you´ll be back.

    J:  I´ll do even the impossible. I have to go.

    M:  Remember you are my life,  my love,  and I want you to be back.

    J:  Go.


    * * *


    W: Arm!

    W: Shoot!

    W: Arm!

    W: Shoot!

    W: Arm!

    W: Shoot!

    W: Arm!

    W: Shoot!

    Al: Doctor!

    D: Let me have a look at it!

    An: He did it on purpose,  damm it!

    D: I think you won´t be able to continnue!

    An: Yes, I will!  Give me the gun!

    Al: You can´t even hold it! Don´t be sttuborn!

    W: The encounter is over.

    An: No,  I don´t want it.

    W: Mr Alcazar can´t go on,  so the duel is over.

    J: It´s alright.

    W: Thanks.  Beg your pardon

    S:  Congratulations, Juan.

    J: Thanks.  Let Monica know,  and you,  tell DN, please,  to go for Serafin to Andres´ house.

    S: It´s fine.

    J: See you later


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